Our Lavender & Eucalyptus Soap combines the time-honored, familiar scent of lavender, along with the lively, invigorating scent of Eucalyptus. Lavender has been known to calm the nerves, promote restfulness, ease anxiety, heal skin sores, and is gentle for all skin types. Eucalyptus is uplifting and refreshing, with a strong herbal appeal perfect for in treatment of respiratory problems and congestion. Soap is made of goats milk soap, organic essential oils, and natural eucalyptus and lavender herbs.
Benefits of Organic Lavender & Eucalyptus Soap
1. Relieving Stress
Jumping into the shower after a long day’s work is meant to relax you and wash all the stress down the drain. Eucalyptus & Lavender soap has some stress-relieving capabilities and can even help you fall into a deep sleep.2. Treating Cuts, Wounds and Insect Bites
Lavender oil contains strong antibacterial properties that help to heal cuts and abrasions on the skin. It is also a powerful antiseptic that’s capable of killing disease-causing pathogens that inhabit your skin. Will also smoothen your skin and make it glow.3. Fresh Scent as Eucalyptus & Lavender soap has a sweet natural scent. Due to its powerful scent, Eucalyptus & Lavender soap is used to help relieve mental exhaustion, as well as to boost blood flow to the brain, increasing mental activity.
4. The Eucalyptus is a common ingredient in treatments for respiratory problems and congestion. It is antimicrobial, antifungal, antibacterial, antiviral, and anti-inflammatory. It is used to treat colds, asthma, sinus problems, nasal congestion, coughs, and runny noses.
Lavender & Eucalyptus Soap - Goats Milk
Care & Safety
A Note About Safety: This soap should feel fantastic all over your body, except directly in your eyes. To discover any possible allergic reaction, test the soap on a small area of skin first. If a reaction occurs, stop using it and try one of our different recipes that work well with your skin. Feather and Sage Apothecary is not responsible for any adverse reaction. Soap is Intended for ADULT USE ONLY as there are dried herbs that could pose a choking risk.
We recommend to keep your soap bar in a draining soap dish to guarantee the longer lasting of your soap.